One Day, 5 Madrid Michelin stars: visits to Diverxo and Club Allard


Diverxo definitely lives up to its 3 stars. Not only  are all the bites inventive, diverse and original, they are ridiculously tasty too. (its not always a direct correlation – I’ve been to plenty of interesting places that just do not leave my taste buds satisfied). Everything we ate was so thought out and beautifully creative interpretations of someone who admires world food. (btw how is this restaurant lower that Relae and sud777 in the Worlds 50 best?)  So here’s the menu of the 24 courses with pictures (my translation might be short and to the point but really there is way to much detail in the menu)

Viaje a las Playas de Goa

1. Aguacate asado lentamente con chutney caliente de menta escabechada y tomates verdes, piel de oveja Malai Masala y azafrán (grilled avocado with chutney and Masala) – a great surprising and simple start to the meal with lots of textures

2. Caviar asado en un horno tandoori con curry vindaloo y yogurt griego (tandoori grilled caviar with vindaloo curry) – a tiny bite but with so much flavor and depth. One of the favorites!

3. Dal masala con suero de mantequilla de oveja y crorofila (lentils with lamb butter and clorophil)

4. Ancas de rana como si fuera butter Tika masala, menta escabechada. Papadum de lentejas y chutney de mango (frog legs butter Tika masala) – this butter tikka masala was ridiculously good. And both little bites had so much flavor!

5. Naan de queso al vapor con trufa, Maíz y parmesano acumulado (steamed cheese naan with truffle) This was the most flavorful bite of the night for me. I loved it. Super simple but ridiculous in flavor.

6. Vichysoisse de espárragos blancos y mantequilla tostada, arroz rojo japonés, yuzu, pimienta dando y siracha casera ; condimento de cochinillo asado (white asparagus vichyssoise with suckling pig) – up until here every bite was just an explosion of flavor. this dish was nice ,but definitely the least memorable of the whole meal.

7. Ventresca de atún rojo a la brasa con fettuccine del mar al pesto de shiso y lima. Huevos rotos de codorniz botarga y salsa de barbacoa china (braised tuna belly with qualis egg and sea fettuccine with shiso pesto) – the plating of this was just gorgeous. It was super delicious too but visually it was just a wonder.

8. Corte de bacon helado y remolacha – so this was so fast i didn’t even take a picture. Whilst eating the pork belly you gut this tiny amazing little bite of bacon ice cream in a beetroot crisp. The ice cream was to die for and the crisp, well it didn’t taste much like beetroot which made me happy.

9. capón- salmón – caldo agripicante de capón, emulsionado con su grasa, partes gelatinosas de la cabeza del salmón, sus aletas y huevos de truchas (capon- salmon dish: capon broth with gelatinous salmon head, fins and eggs) – this was a surprise. I really didn’t know much abut the capon but apparently its a type of rooster very flavorful. The broth was deep and developed and the mix of sea and earth was so evident in each bite. Contrasting and jarring yet perfect together. the salmon fin was surprisingly tasty.

TÍPICO YAMCHA DE HONG KONG VERSIÓN DABIZ (Typical Yamcha from Honk Kong) – these dishes were my favorite in presentation. The whole concept of a reinterpreted dim sum meal was awesome and so was the dry ice! each one was served with its one little wine shot which was cool.

10. Dumpling de necora versión Chilli crab de chipotles con cocotxa en romana de yemas de pato – i don’t even know how to translate this so i wont but it was so good. Spicy crab and a dumpling that i still don’t know what it has but it was all delicious.

11. Bocata de calamares XO, Chipirines rehogar (squid dumpling) – so many textures in this. It looks deceptively simple but it was quite a developed and involved dish. probably the best textures of the night

12. Recuerdos de un viaje a Napoles, dumpling de vino tinto y ragout de pichón estofado en jugo de tomates sicilianos con puré de patatas peruano al estilo Robouchon (memories of a naples dish.  rd wine and pigeon dumpling with a Peruvian potato puree Robouchon style). The puree was silky and amazing. the dumpling as weird as its flavors were so far off the asian profile you were expecting but it was delicious nonetheless.


13. Bolognesa de esencia de carabineros, sashimi tibio de quisquilla de Motril, macarrones de albahaca Thai y jugo de ossobuco (carabinieri escense bolognese with basil noodles and ossobuco juice). Second best tasting dish that we had. I am obsessed with carabinieri and this was incredible. I wanted a whole container of this bolognese to take home

14. Langostinos baby chiguatos a la andaluza, polvo de galeras y pan de gamba con tomate (friend little shrimp with tomato bread powder) Side note: got to love the snake spatulas we got to eat up the sauce.

15. Chuleta de raya Nikki con puré de maíz y coco joven. Mojo canario Nikki y Mojo amarillo con yuzu  (skate rib with coconut and corn) My least favorite dish. The sauce was good but the texture of the skate was not to my liking.  Maybe i liked it even less because my friends dis looked so good (this was the only meal that as gluten free i got different which as in itself impressive) she got a reinterpretation of a whopper burger that looked amazing (and she said it tasted great too)

16. Pixin asturiano macerado en sirope de arce y cocinado como lo haría un chifa (wok en llamas) con gazpacho de jalapeños, aceite de vainilla y coco  (jalapeno gazpacho with anglerfish (i had to look that one up!) :   this was fun and tasty.- eating with your hands usually is. The jalapeno gazpacho I want to have every night!

17. Cigala de tronco asado y reposada con su bordalesa, mantequilla de ajos negros, cremoso de Chile acidulce y salsa xo (crayfish with bordelaise sause and three sauces: black garlic, chilly and XO) beautifully plated dish. I just wish I could differentiate more within the sauces, but the combination was excellent.

18. Cabeza de Cigala con meuniere de limones agridulces (crayfish head with lemon meuniere sauce). This little bite had such ridiculous flavor. Te plating was awesome too.

19.strogannof viajero? Estofado express en el wok de solomillo de Kobe con achiote, setas shimeji en escabeche de cabernet y Chantilly de rabano raifort. (travelling strogannoff. Wok cooked Kobe with achiote, mushroom and radish chantilly). A piece of art on the plate! and i loved the mexican infleunces on the beef it was delicious and so tender.

DIBUJOS ANIMADOS… MUNDO DULCE DE FANTASIA (cartoons, sweet world of fantasy)

20. Kakigori. Sopa Tom kha gai helada con guayaba, lemongrass, Chile, lima y lima keffir (Iced tom kha soup with guava). I am such a fan of Tom kha soup that this dessert totally blew me over. It was amazing. It wasn’t really sweet more of a palate cleanser, but a ridiculously creative palate cleanser at that.

21. Ganache de coco, ajo negro, chicle de grosella, albahaca y regaliz. Helado de cenizas de coco (coconut ganache with black garlic, currant gum and basil). Beautiful plate and those little capsules are amazing .. it really tasted like old school bazooka gum.

22. Limón, Maíz. Lulo, vainilla y la leche qué queda en el fondo del bowl después de los cereales (lemon, corn, lulo, vanilla and cereal milk). This was such a great dessert. Totally up my alley in that it was sweet, but not too much and with a great mix of flavours. The sweetness of the cereal milk was counteracted with the acidity of the lulo (I loved that we had Colombian fruits in the mix!)

23. Sorbiendo tu infancia : flan de algodón de feria, remolacha, vainilla y toque de salsa siracha (slurping your infancy: cotton candy flan). I loved this dessert. i thought I was going to hate it given that it had beetroot, but it was delicious. IT was also a fun part of the night. You were supposed to slurp it.. no hands or utensils and that made for some fun at the table.

We got a tour of the Kitchen….

These are some pics of the Decoration of the place, which was definitely crazy

Club Allard

Before going to dinner at Diverxo I had lunch at the wonderful Club Allard. Beautiful place and a great Spanish influence but internationally inspired menu. My favorite were the snacks the brought out at the beginning. Some were placed in the Madrid Symbol.

As a main I had Palamós red prawn two ways :

  1. Tartar with squid ink aioli
  2. Calasparra rice in broth

as dessert, Mango, lemon and sake sorbet

A great place for a formal and beautifully cooked meal in Madrid.

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